Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the one where I publicly declare I will run a half marathon

In a few weeks I am starting Hal Higdon's half marathon training officially. I'll be doing 12 weeks of novice training because the intermediate version includes speedwork, and that does not sound like fun to me.

I never really liked running until recently. I'd much prefer inline skating but turns out people in Kansas City don't live in the 1980s and they are befuddled when I ask about a rollerblade marathon? ("How many miles is that?!") 

{That's me at the North Shore Inline Marathon in Duluth, Minn. in 2007.}

During our get-skinny-for-the-wedding-day training plan, I loved running on the treadmill. I could watch TV and there is something about the numbers methodically switching that soothes me. Recently I started running outside and realized I didn't suck at it as much as I thought I would. I always hated outdoor running because not only does the ground not move, but the cold air makes my lungs scream. Yet I have found that heat and humidity make my lungs scream in an opposite, but more tolerable, way.

Plus there is this camaraderie with the other runners out at 6 a.m. We say "morning" as we run up a large hill, proud that we're enduring summer. Little do they know that as soon as they are out of sight, I immediately halt and begin heaving. When it's this humid, I don't really sweat. Because where would it go? Until I stop and get into a less-humid place. There, Shea will find me sitting in front of the laptop trying to map my run but completely unable to get traction on the mouse pad because of the pooling sweat. This is probably the sexiest thing he could possibly imagine seeing first thing in the morning.

Anyway, back to my plan. I'm planning to run the Kansas City half on October 16. And I am scared because not only is it my first big race, but there are two huge hills - one in the first four miles and one at almost nine miles. This means I have to train using hills, which really kind of zaps the fun out of my day. Also it'll probably make my calves more humongous than they already are. I don't have time goals yet and may not ever make them because mostly, I just want to see the finish line. 

This morning I ran at 6 a.m. in temperature of 81 and humidity of 80 percent. I know there is a heat advisory but seriously, this is only June. There is more inferno to come.

So begins the journey!


  1. Awesome! I did the same thing about a year ago.

    And I've run two since then...including the same hills you're talking about. The training gets easier as soon as the temp starts to go down.

    Just use the awesome medal they hand out at the finish as motivation.

    Good luck and have fun!

  2. Oh heck yes! You'll love it! Races are contagious and half marathons are the perfect blend of challenge and pleasure.

  3. AnonymousJune 26, 2010

    Yay, awesome! Are you going to post your training schedule? I need to start training for my first half marathon as well, it's two weeks after yours!


